A few years ago I had taken a college course in Criminal
I had no interest in becoming an officer of the law, it was
an elective that I believed would benefit me greatly. I thought it would be the only college course I had ever taken
where knowledge gained could be retained and applied for many years;
translation, how I could learn to beat a traffic citation.
Well worth the price per credit hour.
Well my plan backfired.
I dropped the course, as I found the textbook to be very boring for these
The author learned a new word, “paradigm” and somehow
found a way to insert it into every sentence. I am still uncertain if I
actually know the true meaning.
I was convinced that Cop-Speak was only in
acronyms. I know this sounds as if I am
exaggerating but the text was so overloaded with 3 and 4 letter words that the
course credits should also be applied to foreign language studies.
These days, especially with “texting & tweeting-mania”
running a muck, our every thought, deed or misdeed needs to be shared in
writing, (or vine and youtube videos) and instantaneous, so I guess brevity and
speed becomes paramount.
I have studied Latin (well I sat in a classroom for a year),
as well as 4 years of Spanish and I am still unable to determine if the contractors
installing my new roof are actually plotting against me.
Now I must resign myself to learning a new language, namely
Does everyone over the age of 40 realize that there are
currently almost 1000 acronyms used in texting?
Truth be told 1000 is probably larger than my total
vocabulary (including my Latin & Spanish words) but current medical science
suggests that as we age, mind-expanding activities, like learning to play an
instrument, a new language and doing crossword puzzles may help keep us from
forgetting where we left the car keys (or the car, or the spouse) so I guess I
need to check Amazon for the "Acronyms for Dummies" book and start cracking the code.
I understand that there are character restrictions when
tweeting, so choosing the right words to express oneself can be challenging,
acronyms abound.
Texting, however, provides plenty of opportunity (while
seated in your office cubicle) for one to ridicule and detail how their
co-workers and boss are so clueless and inferior that acronyms are really not
needed unless others are relentlessly spying on you while you are screwing off.
As is every other thing in life, once something new is
introduced into the society, and before you have an understanding of what it is
all about, there will always be someone at the ready to quickly alter the
existing and create a new paradigm (did I get it right?).
This is now occurring with acro-speak.
Just when I am finally getting to learn how to hit the
correct keys on my Galaxy 4 without having spell check insert words making me
sound even dumber, a co-worker acknowledged one of my tweets with the letter
“K”. I thought it was due to his lack
of sobriety but over the course of the next few days he repeated the acknowledgement
using just the letter “K” in additional texts.
He was too lazy to preface with the letter “O”, thus he was
acronyming the acronym.
I was pondering just how lazy this lunkhead was until I
started to receive similar responses from others, including my own daughter.
Wow, I guess my life isn’t as busy as others. I actually
have excessive time on my hands to include the “O” in OK.
I am beginning to feel slothful.
I will conform, get in line and understand the new-speak and
all of its variations.
I know my mind will also benefit from the mental exercises and one day I will remember where I left my car keys and my spouse.
I know my mind will also benefit from the mental exercises and one day I will remember where I left my car keys and my spouse.